Ever notice how you can sometimes tell what the person next to you had for lunch? That’s because certain foods can leave lingering odors, making you smell from afar. Since these foods can affect your scent, it’s wise to choose what you eat based on your daily schedule. For example, you might want to skip the garlic sauce on your beef dish if you’re going on a first date. As a certified health coach, I help clients become more aware of their bodies, including their aromas, to develop a lifestyle that suits their needs. If you’ve got a hot date or a major work presentation, you might want to opt for foods that won’t leave you smelling bad. Confidence can help you excel in various settings, so avoiding foods that cause body odor can be crucial. Here are 11 foods that can make you smell bad and that you might want to avoid on certain occasions.
1. French Fries
Pretty much any fried food can leave you with unfortunate body odors (and possibly a stomach ache). The fats and oils in these greasy foods can cause a stink that permeates your body. Yuck.
2. Cake
High-sugar foods like cake can lead to unpleasant smells, particularly in the vaginal area. To avoid this, swap sweets for healthier, odorless options like vegetables or low-sugar fruits.
3. Asparagus
Ever noticed how asparagus makes your pee smell horrible? This effect can extend to your body odors. On date night, choose greens instead of asparagus to avoid the unpleasant smell.
4. Spicy Foods
Spicy food can make you smell bad because the gases released through your pores can cause body odors. These odors can last for a few hours, so put down the hot peppers before a big event.
5. Eggs
According to Maggie Moon, MS, RDN, and author of The MIND Diet, eggs can cause foul smells due to their sulfur content. You might want to rethink your brunch order if you have important plans later in the day.
6. Alliums
The allium family, including garlic and onions, can release sulfur compounds that lead to bad smells. Be cautious when cooking or ordering meals that include these ingredients.
7. Organ Meats
Organ meats can cause body odor due to their choline content, which some people can’t metabolize, resulting in a fishy smell. This condition, trimethylaminuria (TMAU), affects about one in 200,000 people.
8. Cruciferous Veggies
Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage can make your breath and flatus stink, explains Dr. Lisa Ashe, Medical Director at BeWell Medical Group. Eat these veggies in moderation to avoid gas and stomach pains.
9. Alcohol
Though not a food, alcohol can affect your scent. Drinking a lot can cause odors to come out in your sweat. To combat this, drink plenty of water before, during, and after you drink, and limit your alcohol intake.
10. Curry
While delicious, Indian food can be smelly due to spices like cumin and curry. Mask the smell with a dairy or creamy sauce if possible, as advised by researchers at Berkeley Wellness at the University of California.
11. Red Meat
A 2006 study published in the journal Chemical Senses found that red meat can leave a foul smell. While protein is important, consider going meatless a few days a week or substituting chicken for beef. If you notice any bad odors after eating these foods, try adjusting your diet to include less smelly options, especially on days when you need to smell fresh.