Another Heartbreaking Loss for the Bryant Family: Sending Prayers

Joe “Jellybean” Bryant, the father of Hall of Famer Kobe Bryant and a former NBA player, has passed away at the age of 69. As of Tuesday…

Sandra Bullock, the Academy Award-winning actress, turned 60 on July 26, but the occasion was marked by sorrow. Nearly a year ago, Bullock announced the heartbreaking passing…

Can You Solve This Tricky Equation?

Hey there, smarty pants! We’ve got a little brain teaser for you that might make you scratch your head. We’re confident you’ll give it your best shot,…

4 Clear Signs Your Relationship Is Over (And You Might Be Missing Them)

It’s October, but with global warming extending summer in New York, I’m in denial about winter coming. Even Jon Snow couldn’t convince me otherwise—I was wearing sandals…

High School Seniors Carry Casket of U.S. Air Force Veteran Who Had Nobody

VIDEO BELOW In Louisiana, a group of high school students is being celebrated for providing a respectful farewell to Ralph Lambert, a former U.S. Air Force veteran…

The Body Knows When Death is Near, and It Begins in Your Nose

Death is a mysterious and often unsettling subject. Throughout history, humans have sought to understand and anticipate the end of life. Surprisingly, some scientific research suggests that…