9 Flat-Out Lies We’ve Believed Our Entire Lives

We’ve all grown up with comforting little white lies designed to make us feel better and believe the world is in our favor. Unfortunately, nobody told us that these were just lies. We’ve adopted them as universally accepted truths.

Don’t shoot the messenger, but here’s why these popular sayings we’ve grown up repeating are not only flawed but flat-out wrong.

  1. Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right

Who first muttered this ridiculous lie? Sometimes, the only way to right a wrong is to do another wrong. It’s common sense. If you stick rigidly to this theory, you’re going to be a walking, talking doormat for the rest of your life.

There’s a difference between retaliating in a way that escalates conflict and standing up for yourself to end wrongdoing. The world is extremely unfair, and people will wrong you for just about any reason. You need to be willing and able to deal with it.

  1. Money Isn’t Everything

This one is tricky. Pointing out that this is a lie might imply that money is everything, which is hard to accept. Sure, plenty of great things can’t be bought with money. However, without any money, what could you actually accomplish? How long could you survive?

Even the most philanthropic leaders needed money to make a difference—that’s why they hold fundraisers and accept donations. While money can’t buy happiness for everyone, it certainly can for some, and it can change the world, both positively and negatively. Unfortunately, money is a crucial part of life.

  1. If You Love Someone, Let Them Go; If They Return, They Were Always Yours

This is one of the dumbest lies out there. If you genuinely love someone, why would you let them go in the first place? If you love anything, you don’t let it go and expect it to come back. If you care to have someone in your life, the last thing you would do is let them go.

Giving someone space is different from letting them go. Anyone who wants you to let them go, or is willing to be let go, is not yours and will never be yours. If you love someone, do everything in your power to keep them, and if it doesn’t work, move on. Don’t sit around waiting for them to return.

  1. Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover

Why do books even have covers then? The basis of this quote is to not judge people before getting to know them. But sometimes people who act badly are genuinely bad. There’s no need to waste time on them. Always judge a book by its cover; there isn’t enough time in life to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

  1. The Best Is Yet to Come

This is a nice way to look at life, but sometimes you just have to face facts. Sometimes the best has already come, and you better quit denying it before you miss it. Constantly searching for the next best thing can make you miss out on the great stuff happening right now. Be grateful for what you have before it’s gone.

  1. You Don’t Know What You Have Until It’s Gone

With the exception of sudden deaths, this is absurd. Sometimes you know exactly what you don’t want and get rid of it. Change can be lonely or a shock, but that doesn’t mean you made a wrong decision. You knew what you had, and it wasn’t good for you. You’ll survive without it.

  1. If It’s Meant to Be, It Will Happen

Nothing is “meant to be” except death. If you want something to happen, make it happen. Have a plan and the desire to ensure what you want will actually occur. Don’t leave anything up to fate. If you work hard and don’t get what you initially wanted, you’re still a better person for trying.

  1. Everything Happens for a Reason

Sometimes, things just happen without any profound reason, like stepping in gum or spilling a drink on yourself. There is no cosmic sign in every little event. Stop overanalyzing and accept that some things just happen randomly.

  1. Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Good things come to those who work for them. Waiting around won’t bring success. If you want something, go out and get it. Patience is a virtue, but action gets results.

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