Here’s a fun and challenging math puzzle that will test both your logic and counting skills!
The Question:
- 1 rabbit saw 6 elephants while on its way to the river.
- Each of the 6 elephants saw 2 monkeys heading toward the river.
- Every monkey is holding 1 parrot.
Now, the question is: How many animals are going towards the river?
The Answer:
5 animals.
- The rabbit is definitely going to the river.
- The 6 elephants only saw the monkeys but didn’t go to the river themselves.
- The 2 monkeys are heading to the river.
- Each monkey holds a parrot, but the parrots are not walking—so only the monkeys are counted.
Thus, 1 rabbit + 2 monkeys = 3 animals. Adding the 2 parrots the monkeys are holding brings the total to 5 animals heading to the river.
Did you get it right? Well done if you did!