Single ladies, whether you like it or not, wedding season is upon us. Before you collectively sigh, cry, or complain about having to go to these events while your own love life might be less than ideal, hear me out. Weddings are not only fun, but they’re also a great way to meet new people. Ironically, by attending a celebration of other people’s love, you might just meet the love of your life. I have a love/hate relationship with weddings. I love them because they’re a great excuse to dress up, have a blast, and maybe even get a bit tipsy. Last weekend, I attended a family friend’s wedding, and I’m going to another one this weekend. In your twenties, weddings are inevitable. Everyone’s getting hitched. Regardless of how you feel about weddings, you need to put on a happy face for your newlywed friends. No one wants to hang around a downer—especially not the attractive men at the wedding. Let me explain. I wore a stunning white Indian outfit to this event, and I felt like a princess. My outfit—and a couple of glasses of rosé—gave me the confidence to approach the tall, handsome guy I had been eyeing since I walked in.
1. Lock Eyes with Him from the Start
This might seem like common sense, but men can be oblivious. They often don’t realize a woman is interested until it’s painfully obvious. Keep in mind, there are plenty of other single ladies at the wedding, all looking for some hot man candy for the night. By making eye contact early on, you’re staking your claim and deterring the competition. Being upfront about your interest is crucial. This is not the time to be shy! You probably spent hours getting ready, maybe even got your hair and makeup done. Don’t let all that effort go to waste.
2. Dance
Even if you don’t have rhythm, fake it. You want to give off a fun-loving vibe. The hottest guy won’t be interested if you’re standing in the corner, judging everyone who’s dancing like no one’s watching. When it’s time to dance, go all out. Swing those hips and drop that booty. Bonus points if you have a signature move that shows off how much of a BAMF you are. My go-to is Drake’s fist-and-groove move from “Hotline Bling.” Somehow, it always brings the boys to the yard—or rather, the dance floor. Confidence is key here. Are you sensing a theme?
3. Touch Up Frequently
Yes, you’re going to get hammered. Yes, so will he. But that’s no excuse to look disheveled. Keep your makeup in check and be on nip slip patrol. Weddings are like Black Friday at Target: you have to keep an eye on the best deal so no one else snatches it from you. Single women can be ruthless at these events. Be the woman who stands out. Own your beauty. Don’t let your foundation get blotchy just because you dropped it low one too many times to “Work.” I’m not saying you have to look perfect all night, but at least stay presentable. If your hair gets sweaty from dancing, pin it up into a chic, classy high bun. It’s perfect for dancing. And if you’re touching up alongside other single women in the bathroom, keep your plan to seduce the hot guy to yourself. Sharing your intentions will only make them want him more, which is bad for you. Keep your eye on the prize.
4. Mingle with His Friends
No guy wants to get to know a girl who seems standoffish. Show him you’re the kind of girl who’s always down to hang with good company, even if it’s a bunch of dudes you’ve just met. Introduce yourself to his friends and get to know a little about them. This will show him that you’re open-minded and interested in getting to know him, too. Just don’t flirt with his friends like I did (LOL). Everyone loves a social, outgoing girl, so be the fun, friendly person you are when you’re with your girlfriends.
In Conclusion
At the end of the day, the hottest guy at the wedding isn’t going to want to go home with you just because you’re hot. He’s going to want to because you’re cool and know how to have fun. So let loose, be confident, and enjoy yourself.