When most people think about addictions, substance abuse typically comes to mind. However, people can become addicted to other things as well, such as tattoos. Take, for example, 26-year-old Tristan Weigelt, a tattoo apprentice who has covered almost his entire body with ink. Recently, he shared pictures of how he looked just five years ago, highlighting the dramatic transformation. Comparing photos from 2020 to 2022 underscores just how much his appearance has changed in a short period. Now with 95% of his body covered in tattoos, Weigelt has no regrets. While he admits that it’s strange looking at himself now, he says he feels exactly the same on the inside as he did before. Weigelt also discussed some of his more painful tattoos, noting that the ones on his face and head were particularly excruciating, likening the pain to being scraped with a metal brush. “It was six full-day sessions, each taking between five and six hours, and the pain was probably an eight out of 10,” he described. Interestingly, not all of his tattoos hold special meanings. Over the past five years, he has spent about $50,000 on his body art, with no hidden messages in the designs. Weigelt offers advice for others considering getting tattoos: “Get what you love and what makes sense to you. I see so many people worried about a certain tattoo fitting them or it not being their style. If you like it – then get it.” When it comes to transformations, Tristan Weigelt stands in a class of his own, showcasing an incredible journey through his body art.