Most of the time, infidelity leads to heartbreak, but occasionally, a response to cheating can be unexpectedly humorous. In one particular case, a couple’s breakup became a source of amusement. The husband wrote a letter to his wife explaining why he was leaving her, revealing he had been cheating with her sister. Instead of quoting the letter word for word, here’s a summary: The husband starts by saying he’s leaving after seven years of a not-so-great marriage, with the last few weeks being the worst. He mentions how her boss called to say she quit her job. He complains that she didn’t notice his new haircut or the silk boxers he wore to bed. He says she ate dinner quickly, watched her shows, and went straight to bed. Assuming she was cheating because she didn’t want sex and didn’t say “I love you,” he concludes his letter by saying he’s moving to West Virginia with her sister. Initially, it seems like the wife neglected her husband, driving him to an affair. However, her response flips the narrative.
The wife agrees they’ve been married for seven years but says he hasn’t been a good husband. She watched TV to tune out his constant complaining and didn’t compliment his haircut because it made him look like a girl. She didn’t eat much at dinner because what he thought was her favorite meal was actually her sister’s favorite; she hadn’t eaten pork in seven years. As for the silk boxers, she noticed the $49 price tag and remembered her sister borrowing $50 that morning. The wife quit her job because she won $10 million in the lottery. She had bought a ticket to Jamaica as a last-ditch effort to save their marriage. When she returned home to find his goodbye note, she added one more statement: Her sister, Carla, was actually born Carl. The lesson here is clear: Don’t be so quick to end one relationship and start another. You might just end up with something worse than before.