To truly forget your ex, experts recommend going no-contact, though it can be challenging, especially if you were used to constant communication. No-contact means no calling, texting, emailing, or checking their social media. This helps to regain emotional control and clarity about the breakup.
Breakup coach Trina Leckie emphasizes that out of sight is out of mind. Avoiding contact helps stop them from being a constant presence in your thoughts. Relationship coach Monica Parikh notes that love can act like a drug, making withdrawal difficult. However, a no-contact period of at least 60 days allows you to grieve, regain strength, self-esteem, and confidence.
Use the extra time post-breakup to develop new skills, set better boundaries, and improve self-esteem. Parikh advises using this period to break dysfunctional habits and prepare for healthier future relationships. Going no-contact helps you realize that your happiness is your own responsibility and builds independence.
Ultimately, the goal is to reach a point where you can say, “With or without you, my life is going to be amazing.”